Getting Started

Welcome Your Experience

Getting Started with Docusign eSignature

Docusign eSignature will help you become a hero of your organization in no time. Reduce manual tasks and streamline your processes as you learn to send, sign and manage agreements.

1 Take a Tour

Take a Tour

Watch our signing video and learn how to complete your envelopes in just a few minutes.

Best Practice

Want to dive deeper? Attend our Getting Started Webinar to learn more.

2 Get your First Signature

Get your First Signature

Let’s send your first envelope. An envelope is a container for a document, or multiple documents, and is the first step to getting your agreements signed.

3 Brand your Account

Brand your Account

Branding will personalize your DocuSign account, helping your customers to recognize the documents you’ll send them more easily. Get the look and feel of your logo and design through branding your agreements.

4 Boost Productivity with Templates

Boost Productivity with Templates

Templates help you reduce the time it takes to send out your agreements. Learn how you can use a template to send your first envelope.

5 Explore more features

Explore more features

Congratulations! Now that you’ve sent your first envelope and are ready to use templates, what’s next?

Explore the rest of eSignature, from checking envelope status and managing envelope folders, to correcting, copying and voiding envelopes.

6 Take the Getting Started Webinar

Take the Getting Started Webinar

In this webinar, you will learn about basic DocuSign eSignature functionality. Learn to enable key administrative settings for your account profile, security settings, and branding; send, sign, and manage envelopes; and create and use templates. Also learn about DocuSign learning and support resources.

Take a Tour

Watch our signing video and learn how to complete your envelopes in just a few minutes.

Best Practice

Want to dive deeper? Attend our Getting Started Webinar to learn more.

Get your First Signature

Let’s send your first envelope. An envelope is a container for a document, or multiple documents, and is the first step to getting your agreements signed.

Brand your Account

Branding will personalize your DocuSign account, helping your customers to recognize the documents you’ll send them more easily. Get the look and feel of your logo and design through branding your agreements.

Boost Productivity with Templates

Templates help you reduce the time it takes to send out your agreements. Learn how you can use a template to send your first envelope.

Explore more features

Congratulations! Now that you’ve sent your first envelope and are ready to use templates, what’s next?

Explore the rest of eSignature, from checking envelope status and managing envelope folders, to correcting, copying and voiding envelopes.

Take the Getting Started Webinar

In this webinar, you will learn about basic DocuSign eSignature functionality. Learn to enable key administrative settings for your account profile, security settings, and branding; send, sign, and manage envelopes; and create and use templates. Also learn about DocuSign learning and support resources.

Need extra help?

eSignature Getting Started Webinar

Learn the basics of Docusign eSignature functionality with our popular Docusign Getting Started with eSignature live webinar. Register today.


Invoices take 24 hours to appear in your account. Log in to view your recent invoices.

Upgrade your Account

Learn more about how to upgrade or change your current account plan.

Support Center

Need additional support? Submit a ticket here, or search the Support Center for how-to guides.